Thursday, March 12, 2015

[Quick Information]: Build Your Information System For Free Using These Tools

Build Your Information System For Free Using These Tools



Information system is a very essential and fundamental component in every business and organization. Generally, it is a set of network of hardware and software which users use to collect, manage, create and distribute their data.
It consists on the information and communication technology utilized by organizations for supporting their business processes. As it is important to create and have the right information system it is also important to find the right tools to use for making your own information system.
But what do you think if you can build your information system for free? Yes for free, it is not a jock. Follow us and you will understand that this can be a reality. We will describe the different tools one by one giving the benefits of using every one of them just for making your information system.


The first tool to be described in our article is Seafile, it is a free and open source cloud storage system. From its most important features, Seafile offers you the possibility to collect and stock your files and folders due to its libraries. Not only that but you can also save your library by encrypting them with a password.
Furthermore, Seafile allows you to work with different users chosen by yourself and members in the same group made by you of course. The creation of those groups can be made with the file syncing, wiki and discussion with the different members to work in the best conditions and sharing documents and information with them.
The libraries also made where your files and folders are saved can be shared with your teamwork. Those files can be edited online of course just by the identified users. Seafile provides the best conditions to work with others and make the collaboration easy and reliable.
If you haven’t installed Seafile yet, check the following article Create A Secure Cloud Storage Using Seafile In Ubuntu 14.10
Want to deploy Seafile on RPM based distribution, then check this link.


Zimbra is an open source system, used for discussion and collaboration between customer and server. It is compatible with Linux, Mac and Windows desktop environments.
There is a calendar and where you can save your tasks also to more organize your meetings and work in the best conditions.
If you haven’t installed Zimbra yet, check the following article How To Install Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8.6.0 On CentOS 7


You won’t to manage your business operations for free and you don’t know how. OpenERP is for you. It is an open source solution. You can manage all your business operations: from supply chain and project management until the sales and HR.
OpenERP has also messanger, sales CRM and reported modules.


This open source system helps you to manage the relations with your clients, it is a social CRM tool. There is no problem where your clients are, you can collaborate with them where they are easily.
SugarCRM has the ability to be integrated with Microsoft Outlook and Gmail. You can control and close your sales cycles.
If you haven’t installed SugarCRM yet, check the following article Create Your Own Customer Relationship Management Using SugarCRM

Centreon and Cacti

Cacti and Centreon are two from the best tools used to monitor your systems. Starting by Cacti which is released under GPL (so it is free and open source system). CPU load and RAM usage can be controlled and managed by Cacti. It has many important features where we can mention that it has an unlimited number of graph items since it is designed under RRDTool. Concerning the accessible operating systems, since Cacti supports SNMP so users can monitor Linux’s, BSD’s and Windows hosts.
Cacti is another monitoring system licensed also under GPL but unlike Nagios, Cacti is a network graphing solution designed to exploit the power of RRDTool in storing data and building graphs. Passing to the second open source system Centreon, it is very beneficial tool. Centreon enables users to control all their infrastructure and applications. Due to its publisher solution, the whole platform may be maintained.
For more information about monitoring tools,  you can see this article List of Free And Open Source Monitoring System


It is so easy to work with Bacula. It is our last open source tool. It gives you possibility to manage backup and check your computer data within a network while different types of computers can be connected. Furthermore, you can find and recover the lost or damaged files easily.
It is approved that Bacula is the most popular open source backup program by different users.
If you haven’t installed Bacula yet, check the following article Setup Backup Server Using Bacula And Webmin On Ubuntu 14.04


Now it is your time, our article is finished, we wait to know your opinion. Those mentioned tools attract you, fit your needs, and can help you to build your information system? If no, which is the missing function, we forgot to attribute the suitable tool to make it. Tell us and don’t worry we will help you and find the best solutions for you. You just need to leave a comment.


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