Saturday, June 27, 2015

[Ubuntu] How To Install WinUsb on Ubuntu 14.04

How To Install WinUsb on Ubuntu 14.04 


WinUsb is a simple tool that allows you to create bootable Windows USB installer/stick from Windos iso image or DVD on Ubntu Linux.

It includes both command line tools as well as GUI tools(graphical interface).

Until Ubuntu 13.10, WinUsb was available through its official PPA.

Currently there is no updated version of WinUsb available for Ubuntu 14.04.

so to install WinUsb on Ubuntu 14.04, we need to download & install the Saucy version of WinUsb and also need to run dependencies fix switch
(sudo apt-get -f install)
to to fix dependencies.

Step By Step To Install WinUsb:

step 1 : Open terminal window

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open terminal.

step 2 : Download .deb files

For 32 bit:

For 64 bit:

step 3 : install downloaded files
sudo dpkg -i winusb_1.0.11+saucy1*

step 4 : install downloaded files
sudo apt-get -f install

These four steps will install the WinUSB graphical interface and the WinUSB command line tool.

The WinUSB GUI is much easier to use than the WinUSB command line tool.

winusb gui screenshot


Monday, June 22, 2015

[Apple] : Mounting Apple Time Capsule share from Ubuntu 14.04

Mounting Apple Time Capsule share from Ubuntu 14.04 


Older Apple Time Capsule NAS devices don't support NTLMv2: only NTLM.  So when mounting an SMB share from such a device, you need to manually select NTLM as your security mode. Otherwise the CIFS Client fails to mount the share, and reports a permission error.
So, the correct syntax for Ubuntu 14.04 is:-
   sudo mount -t cifs // -o username=example,password=example,sec=ntlm /mnt/example

where is the IP address of your Time Capsule.

If the CIFS client isn't installed on your Ubuntu box then first you just need to run:- 
    sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

For bonus points you can of course pass the login credentials from a protected file in your home directory rather than passing it on the command line (where it's visible in process listings and bash shell history files).

If you're not sure of the mount point name,  ask first:-
   smbclient -U example -L //
   Enter example's password: 

... and a list of shares will be shown.  You want the one of type "Disk".


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

[Quick Install]: rConfig – A Network Device Configuration Management Tool

rConfig – A Network Device Configuration Management Tool


Today you will have a great tool that we help you to backup your network configuration.
rConfig is a free open source network device configuration management utility for network engineers to take frequent configuration snapshots and backup of their network devices.
This tool is the first tool that can make those kind of operations, because you choose what commands you want to run against your devices. Simply configure this tool with the list of commands you wish to apply to a category of devices, and add devices to the category. Create a scheduled task, and rConfig will do the rest. The current Version 3 now has a Configuration Compliance Management utility to enable you to monitor device configurations for policy compliance.
rConfig is completely open source, meaning, you can customize it, add features as you please and is written in native PHP. You will not have to install any extra modules to PHP for this tool to work.


RConfig has many features like :
  • Free & open source ;
  • Customizable device commands ;
  • Configuration Compliance Management ;
  • Bulk configuration deployment ;
  • One-Click download of configurations ;
  • Native PHP implementation ;
  • Extremely fast configuration output compare and search features ;
  • Built-in scheduler based on CRON ;
  • Built-in reporting ;
  • System backup feature ;
  • Telnet and SSHv2 support.


Before start installing rConfig you need to have those requirements:

Minimum Hardware requirements

  • Stand alone / dedicated server (physical or virtual) ;
  • 100 GB Hard Disk Space free ;
  • 1 GB Ram ;
  • Intel x86_64 CPU.

Minimum Software requirements

  • CentOS 6.3 Minimal (with rConfig build) ;
  • PHP 5.3.3 ;
  • Apache 2.2.15 ;
  • MySQL 5.1.61 ;
  • CRON.
Let’s start.

rConfig Server configuration

rConfig depends heavily on interaction with CentOS built-in tools and utilities to complete certain tasks and features. An example is search. it uses the Linux find and grep utilities installed with CentOS to carry out very fast and efficient searches across downloaded configuration files. and also reads from and writes to the filesystem.
First steps to do is to install LAMP server under your centos server.
yum install httpd php mysql mysql-server
Some CentOS configuration files need to be edited before rConfig can be installed.
Update the sudoers file, using visudo.
CTRL+D to scroll to end of file and add the following lines to the sudoers file:
apache  ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/crontab, /usr/bin/zip, /bin/chmod, /bin/chown, /usr/bin/whoami
Defaults:apache !requiretty
rConfig should be installed as a dedicated standalone server. Whether a physical server or virtual, your server should be dedicated for rConfig use only. This is currently the only supported method for rConfig installations. If rConfig is shared with any other application i.e. internal websites etc… the updated Apache settings and other Operating Systems settings may interfere with rConfig operations.

rConfig installation

At this point you are ready to upload rConfig to the server for installation. You need to download the rConfig package and upload it to the server.You can download rConfig from this the official website
So after download the rConfig, upload it to /home directory on your CentOS Server.
Then, navigate to /home and extract the rConfig ZIP file per the following command.
cd /home
unzip rconfig-*
Now you need to give permissions to Apache server
chown -R apache /home/rconfig
Now you  need to update the httpd.conf file from its default to the preconfigured httpd.conf file packaged with rConfig.
mv /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.original
cp /home/rconfig/www/install/ /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
service httpd restart
Now you finished the console configuration and you need to go to your browser and open this page http://ipaddress-Hostname/install/ to complete the installation.

rConfig web installation

After you open the rConfig page under your browser you will see this first screenshot.
This screen lets you know if you have the correct and up to date software versions installed. You should correct any errors before you proceed.
The next screen is where you enter your database settings for rConfig. It is advised that you create a non-root database account for the rConfig database. If the database is installed on the same server as rConfig, then you may enter localhost as the ‘Database Server’. Click ‘Check Settings’ to validate the settings you’ve entered, and click ‘Install’ to create and install the rConfig database.
The final screen allows you to confirm that all rConfig paramaters are installed correctly before you run rConfig for the first time. Just click on the ‘Final Check’ button. If there are any failures or errors, you must correct these before you can use rConfig. For more security you need to remove or rename the install directory.
Command to remove the install directory is:
rm -fr /home/rconfig/www/install/
Now you can log into rConfig web application with admin : admin for username and password.
Enjoy your rConfig tool and thank you :)


[DHCP]: How To Install DHCP Server In CentOS 7 And Ubuntu 15.04

How To Install DHCP Server In CentOS And Ubuntu


What is DHCP?

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DHCP is a standardized network protocol used on Internet Protocol networks for dynamically distributing network configuration parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services. DHCP Server can be any server (Linux or Windows) that is used to distribute IP addresses automatically to the clients in the network. Since, DHCP Server assigns IP addresses automatically to all systems, a system or Network administrator need not to assign IP addresses manually to every single machine in the network. DHCP is opt for system or Network administrator who is managing thousands of systems.
In this tutorial, let us see how to install and configure DHCP Server in CentOS and Ubuntu systems. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be using the following three systems:
  1. CentOS 7 64bit Minimal server (DHCP Server)
  2. Ubuntu 15.04 64bit Minimal server (DHCP Server)
  3. Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop (DHCP Client)
A note of warning: Do not use two or more DHCP servers at the same time in your network. The client systems might not be able to get IP addresses from the multiple DHCP servers and it leads to IP address conflict issue. If your Router or Switch has DHCP feature enabled by default, you need to turn it off too.
More importantly, you must a assign a static IP address to your DHCP server’s network interface card.

1. Install DHCP Server in CentOS

First let us see how to install and configure DHCP server in CentOS 7 64bit. The same steps will work on CentOS 6.x and other older versions.
Log in as root user.
To install DHCP server on CentOS system, run:
yum install dhcp

1.1 Configuration

In CentOS 6.x systems, we have to assign which interface you want your DHCP server to run on in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd file. In my case, I have only one Interface on my system (eth0), so I assigned eth0.
WARNING: This file is NOT used anymore in CentOS 7.x systems. If you are here to restrict what interfaces should dhcpd listen on, be aware that dhcpd listens *only* on interfaces for which it finds subnet declaration in dhcpd.conf. It means that explicitly enumerating interfaces also on command line should not be required in most cases.
If you use CentOS 6.x system, edit file /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd,
vi /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
Assign the network interface:
# Command line options here
Save and close the file.
Then, copy the sample dhcp configuration file to /etc/dhcp/ directory.
cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp-4.2.5/dhcpd.conf.example /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
Now, edit dhcpd.conf file,
vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
Make the changes as shown below.
Set the domain name and domain-name servers:

# option definitions common to all supported networks...
 option domain-name "unixmen.local";
 option domain-name-servers server.unixmen.local;

If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local network, you should uncomment the following line:
Define the sunbet, range of ip addresses, domain and domain name servers like below:
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
 subnet netmask {
 option domain-name-servers server.unixmen.local;
 option domain-name "unixmen.local";
 option routers;
 option broadcast-address;
 default-lease-time 600;
 max-lease-time 7200;
If you want to assign a fixed IP address to your client, you should enter it’s MAC id and the IP address in the following directive. For example, I want to assign a fixed IP address to my Ubuntu client, hence I modified the following directive as shown below.
host ubuntu-client {
 hardware ethernet 00:22:64:4f:e9:3a; 
After making all the changes you want, save and close the file. Be mindful that if you have another unused entries on the dhcpd.conf file, comment them. Otherwise, you’ll have issues while starting dhcpd service.
Now, start the dhcpd service and make it to start automatically on every reboot.
On CentOS 7.x systems:
systemctl enable dhcpd
systemctl start dhcpd
On CentOS 6.x systems:
service dhcpd start
chkconfig dhcpd on
That’s it. Now, jump to the ‘Configure DHCP Clients’ section and configure your clients to get IP addresses automatically from the DHCP server.
Some of you might want to setup DHCP server in Ubuntu systems. If you one of them, then refer the following section.

2. Install DHCP Server in Ubuntu

Let us see how to install and configure DHCP server in Ubuntu 15.04 64 bit server.
To install DHCP server on Ubuntu 15.04, enter the following command:
sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

2.1 Configuration

DHCP server configuration is not that difficult. First, we have to assign on what interfaces should the DHCP server (dhcpd) serve DHCP requests. In my case, I have only one Interface on my system (eth0), so I assigned eth0.
To do that, edit file /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server,
sudo vi /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
Assign the network interface:
Save and close the file.
Now, edit dhcpd.conf file,
sudo vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
Make the changes as shown below.
Set the domain name and domain-name servers:

# option definitions common to all supported networks...
 option domain-name "unixmen.local";
 option domain-name-servers server.unixmen.local;

If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local network, you should uncomment the following line:
Define the sunbet, range of ip addresses, domain and domain name servers like below:
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
 subnet netmask {
 option domain-name-servers server.unixmen.local;
 option domain-name "unixmen.local";
 option routers;
 option broadcast-address;
 default-lease-time 600;
 max-lease-time 7200;
If you want to assign a fixed IP address to your client, you should enter it’s MAC id and the IP address in the following directive. For example, I want to assign a fixed IP address to my Ubuntu client, therefore I modified the following directive as shown below.
host ubuntu-client {
 hardware ethernet 00:22:64:4f:e9:3a;
After making all the changes you want, save and close the file. Be mindful that if you have unused entries on the dhcpd.conf file, comment all of them. Otherwise, you’ll get issues while starting dhcp service.
Now, restart dhcp service:
In Ubuntu 15.04:
sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server
In Ubuntu 14.04 and older systems:
sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart
Likewise, you can start/stop dhcp service as shown below:
In Ubuntu 15.04 systems:
sudo systemctl start isc-dhcp-server
sudo systemctl stop isc-dhcp-server
In Ubuntu 14.04 and older systems:
sudo service isc-dhcp-server start
sudo service isc-dhcp-server stop

3. Configure DHCP Clients

Now, go to the client configuration network settings and change the IP settings to Automatic (DHCP).
Here is my Lubuntu 14.04 settings:
Editing Wired connection 1_001
Restart the network or reboot the client system to get IP address automatically from the DHCp server.
Now, you should see the IP address has been automatically assigned to the clients from the DHCP server.
Run the following command from the client system Terminal:
sudo ifconfig
Sample output:
sk@sk: ~_002
As you see in the above picture, My Ubuntu 14.04 desktop system which has MAC id 00:22:64:4f:e9:3a got a fixed IP address ( ) from the DHCP server.
That’s it. DHCP server is up and ready.


Friday, June 12, 2015

[CentOS/ Ubuntu]: How to change hostname or FQDN in CentOS/ Redhat/ Ubuntu

How to change hostname or FQDN in CentOS or Redhat

In this tutorial we will learn about,how to change Hostname or FQDN in CentOS and Red Hat.
The method is applicable to all Red Hat based operating system.

Step 1: Edit the /etc/hosts file and give IP Address,FQDN name and Server name
         #vi /etc/hosts 
         ipaddress_of_system server1 
Step 2: Edit /etc/sysconfig/network file ,give HOSTNAME as machine name i.e server1
         # vi /etc/sysconfig/network

Step 3: Restart the network service.
         /etc/init.d/network restart

Now check the hostname and FQDN with command called hostname and hostname -f respectively.
#hostname -f

Note: There is another method through which you can change the hostname but generally it is not so much preferable.

The command is
sysctl kernel.hostname                      (It will show the current hostname)
sysctle kernem.hostname Give_hostname        (It will set the hostname)

Set hostname and FQDN in Ubuntu without reboot

Edit Your /etc/hostname File

Open a terminal window to get started. In Ubuntu’s Unity desktop, click the Ubuntu button to pull up the dash, search for Terminal, and press Enter.
You’ll need to edit your /etc/hostname file, which is where Ubuntu and other Debian-based distributions store the hostname. Run the following command in the terminal to open the /etc/hostname file in the graphical “gedit” text editor for editing:
sudo gedit /etc/hostname
(You could also use terminal-based text editors like nano or vi for this — you’d run the sudo nano /etc/hostname or sudo vi /etc/hostname commands to open the file for editing.
The /etc/hostname file is very simple. It’s contains only one thing — your computer’s hostname. To change it, just delete the existing hostname from the file. Replace it with your new desired hostname and then save the text file.
Ubuntu and other Debian-based distribution read the /etc/hostname file while booting up and set your computer’s hostname to the one contained in the file. Your change won’t take effect immediately — you’ll have to reboot or use the hostname command to change it immediately.

Edit Your /etc/hosts File

The hostname is also stored in the /etc/hosts file, where it’s set to redirect to your local computer — localhost. You’ll need to change the hostname in your hosts file, too.
Open the /etc/hosts file for editing with a command like the following one:
sudo gedit /etc/hosts
(Once again, you could use any other text editor you want — nano, vi, or another graphical text editor of your choice.)
Locate your old hostname in the hosts file. It’ll be on a line that looks something like: your-old-hostname
Once again, replace the old hostname with your new hostname. You can then save the /etc/hosts file.

Change Your Hostname Immediately

The change above will take effect when you reboot, but you can use the hostname command in a terminal to change your hostname immediately. This command only changes the hostname until the next time you reboot, so you do have to change the /etc/hostname file to change it permanently.
Run the hostname command in a terminal window to specify a new hostname. If you chose an invalid hostname, this command will tell you and you can try again. Run the command like so:
sudo hostname your-new-hostname
Your computer’s hostname will be changed immediately, although the change won’t appear in the terminal immediately. The terminal will notice when you re-open it — or if you just open a new one.

That’s it; you should be done. On Linux distributions not based on Debian, there’s a different process. Check your Linux distribution’s documentation for more information

Thursday, June 11, 2015

[Ubuntu]: How to Restore Your Ubuntu Linux System to its Previous State

How to Restore Your Ubuntu Linux System to its Previous State


Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to try a new version of Ubuntu while knowing you can return to the previous version if you don’t like it? We’ll show you a tool that allows you to take a snapshot of your system at any time.
TimeShift is a free tool that is similar to the System Restore feature in Windows. It allows you to initially take a snapshot of your system and then to take incremental snapshots at regular intervals. TimeShift protects only system files and settings, not user files such as documents, pictures, and music. You can use a tool like Back In Time to backup your user files.
NOTE: When we say to type something in this article and there are quotes around the text, DO NOT type the quotes, unless we specify otherwise.
How to Backup and Restore Your Apps and PPAs in Ubuntu Using Aptik
If you need to reinstall Ubuntu or if you just want to install a new version from scratch, wouldn’t it... [Read Article]
Recently, we showed you how to back up your applications and PPAs using a tool called Aptik, which is included in the same PPA as TimeShift. First, press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a Terminal window. If you haven’t installed Aptik, type the following two commands (separately) at the prompt, pressing Enter after each command, to add the PPA and update it. For more information, see our article about Aptik. Note: you may have to remove the -y switch to get it to work.
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa

sudo apt-get update
If you have installed Aptik, you are ready to install TimeShift and do not need to enter the previous commands. Type the following text at the prompt and press Enter.
sudo apt-get install timeshift
Type your password when prompted and press Enter.
Once the installation is finished, close the Terminal window by typing “exit” at the prompt and pressing Enter or by clicking the “X” button in the upper-left corner of the window.
To open TimeShift, click the “Search” button at the top of the Unity Launcher bar.
Type “timeshift” in the search box. Results of the search display as you type. When the icon for TimeShift displays, click on it to open the application.
A dialog box displays asking for your password. Enter your password in the edit box and click “OK.”
The main TimeShift window displays and the system size is estimated. The “Backup Device” drop-down list allows you to select a different drive or partition to be backed up, if you have more than one.
The amount of space needed for the snapshot is listed on the bottom status bar. Snapshots are saved on the selected device so be sure you have enough space to store the snapshot. To back up the selected “Backup Device,” click “Backup” on the toolbar.
While the snapshot is being created, a “Synching files…” message displays in the bottom status bar.
When the snapshot is finished, it is listed with the date and time and the name and version of the system. The status bar states how much space is free on the system after the snapshot is taken and states when the last snapshot was taken.
Moving the mouse over the “Backup Device” drop-down list shows you the path where the snapshots are saved on the selected device.
The “timeshift” directory contains the various snapshots taken using TimeShift, including scheduled snapshots, which we will discuss later in this article.
The “snapshots” folder contains snapshots taken manually. We recommend that you copy the folder for your snapshot to a USB flash drive, network drive, or a cloud service, such as Dropbox or Google Drive, in case it gets corrupted or deleted.
You can see what’s in the snapshot by clicking the “Browse” button.
The snapshot directory is opened in a Files Manager window and the directories and files from your system (no user files) are listed.
There are various settings you can customize, such as setting up automatic backups and choosing when older snapshots will be automatically removed. To access the settings, click “Settings” on the toolbar.
The “Schedule” tab allows you to specify times when snapshots will be performed. Click or slide the ON/OFF slider button to turn on the “Scheduled Snapshots”. Select the check boxes in the “Enable” column to specify the time interval for the snapshots.
The “Auto-Remove” tab allows you to automatically remove older snapshots so you don’t run out of space on your hard drive. There is a “Rule” for each type of snapshot. Enter a “Limit” for each type to tell TimeShift to remove snapshots older than the specified limit, including a limit for when free space is less than a certain amount.
The “Advanced” tab allows you to exclude specific files, directories, and directory contents from and include specific files and directories in the snapshots.
When you’ve finished customizing the settings, click “Save.”
When you want to restore a snapshot, open TimeShift, select a snapshot and click “Restore.”
NOTE: Depending on the state of your system, you might have to install TimeShift again.
The “Target” tab on the “Restore” dialog box allows you to specify the device to which you will restore the selected snapshot. Moving the mouse over the device in the list reveals more information about the device for restoring the snapshot. Select the “Device for Restoring Snapshot” and the “Device for Bootloader Installation.”
Use the “Exclude” tab to select applications for which you want to keep the current settings and not restore the previous settings.
The “Advanced” tab allows you to exclude specific files, directories, and directory contents from and include specific files and directories in the restored system.
To close TimeShift, click the “X” button in the upper-left corner of the main window.
TimeShift is a useful tool if you like experimenting with upgrades to your system or if something goes wrong with your system. Just like System Restore in Windows, you can simply restore your system to a previous working state rather than reinstalling your system.


[Ubuntu 15.04]: How To Setup LogicalDOC In Ubuntu 15.04

How To Setup LogicalDOC In Ubuntu 15.04


LogicalDOC is a Document Management System. It is useful for all kind of small and medium enterprises, and it could play a very important role in knowledge resource management of Educational Organizations.
This tutorial describes how to install LogicalDOC in Ubuntu 15.04


Minimum System requirement: 2.0 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, minimum 10 GB of Storage.
Minimum Software requirements: MySQL, JAVA jdk7, Ubuntu 9/RHEL 6/CentOS 6/Suse Enterprise Linux 10.


We will be using Ubuntu 15.04 Desktop OS 64bit for this demonstration.
First switch to root user using command:
1. Install mysql.
apt-get install mysql-server
Assign password for mysql root user:
Now create database schema for logicaldoc.
mysql -u root -p <press enter, give password>
Create database with name “logicaldoc”
mysql> CREATE DATABASE logicaldoc;
And create a user called “logicaldoc”.
mysql> CREATE USER logicaldoc;
Set password for user “logicaldoc”.
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR logicadoc@'%'=PASSWORD('P@ssw0rd');
Give all privileges to user “logicaldoc”
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON logicaldoc.* TO logicaldoc@'%' identified by 'P@ssw0rd';
grant privileges
save and exit from the MySQL prompt.
Make sure you installed latest version of openJDK.
java -version
If you haven’t installed Java yet, refer the following link.
Install Community version of Logicaldoc from following this link.
I have tested this setup with Trail version of Logicaldoc, but the installation instructions are same for both.
Go to the download folder and  unzip this package, start installation.
java -jar logicaldoc-installer.jar
Select Language, and press ok.
Press next.
Accept Terms and Conditions, and press next.
Select installation path.
Keep default settings and press next.
Wait for the the process to get finished.
Provide relevant information, and press next.
Select your database and press next.
Provide data base credentials and press next.
Provide password and leave rest of the setting as default, and press next.
Leave default, press next.
This step will check database parameters, press next.
Installation is finished, press done.
Open your web browser and type: http://localhost:8080
Provide user id and password (default user: admin, default password: admin)Setup your server.
14 24
That’s it. Installation is finished. Have fun!